LIFE Business Biodiversity in Lower Austria
Let us together promote and utilise nature’s resources in a sustainable way!
Biological diversity, also called biodiversity, is nature’s “portfolio”. It encompasses habitat and species plus their genetic diversity. It is, in short, like a life insurance for today‘s and future generations.
ecosystem Services
Enterprises themselves also depend on a stable environment. Every economic process either directly requires ecological resources or at least depends on their existence. Food, biomass for generating energy, flood prevention, water purification as well as recreational opportunities in pleasant surroundings are some of these invaluable benefits which come to us at no cost, granted by nature. Therefore, enterprises should, to the extent they are able to, take measures to counteract the crisis of biodiversity, for this crisis is indeed one of the biggest challenges of our time.
The LIFE project Business & Biodiversity in Lower Austria intends to increase awareness of what biodiversity is and of all those values which our ecosystem provides us with. Our intention is to motivate companies in Lower Austria to introduce projects geared towards preserving biodiversity. Much has already been done by local businesses. We would like to make these activities visible and encourage others to take steps in that direction, too.
The project will be implemented by Energie- und Umweltagentur des Landes NÖ (eNu) (“Energy and Environmental Agency of Lower Austria”), Umweltdachverband (an umbrella organisation for environmental issues), Biosphärenpark Wienerwald (“Biosphere Reserve Vienna Woods”), the departments of Naturschutz (Nature Protection) as well as Wirtschaft, Tourismus und Technologie (Economy, Tourisms, and Technology) of the Province of Lower Austria and the Wirtschaftskammer NÖ (Federal Chamber of Commerce of Lower Austria) and supported by EU Life+ Programme.
Project period: 01.09.2014 until 30.04.2017
Project volume: 422,198 € (50% funding through the LIFE programme of the EU)
Cofunding: Province of Lower Austria: Abteilung Naturschutz (78.000€) and Abteilung Wirtschaft, Tourismus und Technologie (18.000 €)
Here you will find information to download
Project folder (short) (PDF, 2 MB)
Project folder (long) (PDF, 164 KB)
Final Report to EU (addreviated version) (PDF, 3 MB)
Much has been accomplished (PDF, 1,1 MB)
Company grounds close to nature (PDF, 3,2 MB)